Fishing Reports

  • July 19 2017

    Summers flying by!!!

    Although its only late July, its time to get those fall Salmon and Steelhead trips on the books. We are seeing some very large kings in Ludington right now, with fish 24-26lbs coming into the docks daily. Even a few larger. The river fishing for salmon this year will likely be a memorable one. On top of the big Kings, we are seeing some very healthy Steelhead around as well.

    Remember we offer guided float fishing trips for Kings, learn how to catch these huge river fish with us….Catching them on hardware is also a great option. These fish are true river monsters and will test your angling skills and gear to the limits.

    Fall steelhead….well those are another story…super hot, aggressive fish that want nothing to do with your hook in their mouth…fast, strong and very powerful, truly the sports cars of our great lakes.

    Looking for something a bit more low key…..Smallmouth bassing on the Muskegon is very relaxing, enjoy a day on the river catching these fun fighters on both fly gear as well a light spinning rods. We offer these trips through mid-September.

  • June 15 2017

    Summer transition-

    Its mid June and the rivers are into their summer transition, The Muskegon warmed up considerably this week due to the “August” like weather, making the trout bite a bit slower for sure, but on the other side the “warm water” species that are available on the Muskegon river seem to be pretty happy. Its been  mix of fish this week for sure, smallmouth bass, rock bass, trout and the occasional pike are keeping anglers busy. Our best baits were crawfish colored hot n tots and natural colored small stickbaits that match the salmon fry and river shiners. As for bug activity, still a few gray drakes above the fast riffles, caddis in several sizes and a few Iso’s. Look for trout in the fast water, especially near feeder creeks and streams, until it cools of a bit more.

    The PM is entering its summer transition as well, look for the famous hex hatch in the lower sections, daytime attractor flies are starting to produce better, swinging wet flies and bead heads in the riffles and pocket water will also produce a few fish.

    Now is a great time to get your fall salmon trips booked, once again we will be offering float/ skein trips mixed in with tossing crankbaits for fall run King salmon on both the PM and Muskegon rivers. Give us a call to get your days locked in.

  • May 29 2017

    Trout time!

    The recent cooler temps and higher water levels have been perfect for chasing some great trout on both the Pm and the Muskegon rivers. Both rivers are experiencing great evening dry fly fishing during the grey drake spinner falls, cooler evenings are bringing the bugs out a little early, which is nice. There are also Caddis, and Sulphur’s available on both rivers. Streamer fishing on grey or rainy days has also been productive.

    Keep in mind that we offer both flyfishing trips as well as light spinning gear trips.