Guided River Trips

  • September 16 2016

    King salmon season is in full swing, I finished up on the big lake about a week ago and have been on the river a few days since then. The fishing has been pretty typical for fall river run Kings. We have been casting hardware and drifting skein under floats for these early run kings. The fish are here and many are running very large. The river has been pretty busy as every year it seems more people are switching to actually catching these fish rather than the snagging that was so hard to break people of.

    If you are looking to have a fun day on the water and learn how to actually catch fall run salmon, please give us a call.

    On another note: We will no longer be offering guided flyfishing trips for salmon, I feel that there are better, more sporting more ethical ways to enjoy these awesome valuable fish. These fish will smash the correct offerings and are very catchable. Sure the hookup numbers are much lower, but the bites that you get are very memorable and the fight is awesome.

    Fall steelhead dates are filling in, if you are interested in locking in a day or two with us please give us a call asap.

  • August 23 2016

    Only a few more weeks and I will be wrapping up my summer in Ludington and moving my fishing operations to the Pere Marquette river. I am excited to see what we have in store for us this fall, the lake fishing proved that we have bait in the lake just by the size of the kings we were catching. I’m hoping to guide an angler into a 30 lb king this fall on one of our west Michigan rivers.

    There are a few fish in both the Manistee and the PM, fishable numbers can be found here and there from the reports I have heard, but don’t expect big numbers until we get a big north blow to send the fish to the river mouths.

    Tops baits will be bright colored crank baits…storm deep jr. thundersticks in fire tiger are a yearly favorite. Once it gets bright out try floating salmon skein under a bobber the get those stubborn fish to bite. These fall fish will BITE and do not need to be snagged. Its time for anglers to evolve and give these fish a fair chase.



  • July 28 2016

    Summer is flying by as usual!

    Although its not even August yet, although it is close, its time to lock up those fall fishing dates. I’m not sure how many kings we will see this year, but one thing for sure they will be big!!! Fish over 30 lbs will be caught in the river this year. Fall steelhead will also be big, from my experience when the kings are running big, our steelhead also follow that trend.

    Its time to check your calendar and lock in a day or two. The leaves will be falling sooner than you think…hopefully the temps as well.