Ludington Sport fishing Charters

  • April 26 2018

    Is almost time to launch the Hattrick!

    I’m hoping to have the Hattrick in the water net week and get the shakedown trip out of the way asap. If you are interested in getting on the water with us this summer please contact us to lock in a day or two.


  • Sept 5 2017

    Season winds down….

    The fishing on the lake the last few weeks was not the big finish we had hoped for. The great fishing we had gave way to very inconsistent weather patterns that mixed up our water and scattered the fish. The big mature kings are trickling through the harbor, the cohos have scattered and the fishing has been very tough most days.

    I am still getting some calls for trips, but unless the fishing improves on the lake, I will likely be running river trips as we move forward from here. If the fishing improves on the lake I will jump back on the big boat and get after the open water fishing.

    I would like to thank all of those that fished with us this summer and years past. Thank you to those that inquired about fishing with us. Without your support we would not be able to do what we love. Thank you very much!!!!!

  • August 28 2017

    Its been fun….

    Man the last 6 weeks or so have flown by! The fishing was incredible some days….a grind others. For the last week or so the fishing fleet has noticed one thing, there are bunches of fish showing on the graph, but bites can be very hard to come by. We have been marking incredible numbers of fish and bait, but getting them to go has been a different story. Could possibly be due to the amount of bait around, maybe the fish are just stuffed and not hungry??? Possibly the inconsistent weather? Wind directions and water temps are changing daily. No matter…..we just are not getting the numbers of bites we should be. Maybe the eclipse or moon phase is playing a role?

    Hopefully the fish cooperate for the final push of the fishing for me on the big water. River trips are filling in and it will be a nice change of pace to spend a few days on the river and then a few on the lake, mixing it up a bit.

    Meat rigs and flashers and green crinkle files are the best om my boat, a few plug bites early and late like you would expect.